Kita berjalan
Meneroka ruangan baru
Didalam ruangan tertutup
Kita bertemu
Tapi tak kenal
Kita berbicara
Tapi tak faham
Kita adalah ALIEN
Di dalam ruangan tertutup ini
Membolosi halangan
Untuk saling mengenali
Membuang gelaran ALIEN
Agar kita boleh saling memahami
Tapi ALIEN tetap ALIEN
Bila bergerak ke ruangan baru
Salam perkenalan tetap terucapkan
Apabila bertemu ALIEN baru
1 critique:
i don't know how to comment actually since i'm not really into this writing stuff.. but what i can say is, this poem (it's a poem rite?) is quite interesting, meaningful and most important it's no difficult to understand.. hehe.. alien.. we used to be one of it.. (or are we still one of it??) haha..
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